We’re building something bold.
Why We're Here
Online learning has long been one of the cornerstones and main benefits of technology. Every year more and more people turn to online learning as a way to up-skill, change careers, or simply learn something new. Regardless of age, location, and level of expertise, great online learning has been an awaited promise in the minds of many.
Unfortunately, this long-awaited land has never reached its full potential. Always in sight, but never truely tangible, the vision of a personalised learning experience has become more of a jaded myth, than a real thing to build and back.
Why is this?
One of the largest problems to solve in learning has always been the sheer amount of content needed for a personalised experience. Since everyone learns differently, content must be varied to achieve the ideal match. The classic example is one teacher for 30 students, highlighting the bottleneck of expertise distribution. To address this, many companies turned to content marketplaces, which solved the "access-to-content" issue but introduced flaws that limit online learning's full potential.
Fatal flaw #1 - The learning experience of a student is completely outsourced.
When relying on third-party creators to fill content libraries, you lose control over the full student journey. In such cases, it's easy to miss crucial insights on whether students grasp concepts, struggle with lessons, or drop out due to boredom. Additionally, you lack the ability to update or adjust content, even if that data was readily available.
Fatal flaw #2 - Access to content does not mean learning.
A major misconception in online learning is that access alone suffices. True learning requires new knowledge, application, and social validation—what we at NextWork call "the learning loop." Without applying knowledge and receiving validation from peers or the market, content alone can lead to confusion and frustration.

The introduction of AI changes all of this. Content creation will increase rapidly to the point where creating content about any skill, in thousands of different ways, will be the norm. In this future, the value is no longer in creating content...it is the ability to accurately match up the right piece of content with the right student, at exactly the moment they need it, as they learn.
Fatal Flaw #3 - Online Learning is lonely.
Online learning today is an incredibly lonely experience. Struggling is a natural part of learning, but without support or empathy, students may feel isolated and give up. It can feel like an exam scenario at school; you can't ask anyone for help, you're on your own, and a lot of the time you don't know if you're right or wrong. Not fun.
Fatal Flaw #4 - Industry has trust issues with online learning.
The abundance of self-made online courses has made it hard to assess the quality of skills a student leaves with. Employers and peers often don’t trust the skills these courses claim to teach. As a result badges and certificates are quickly losing value due to a lack of transparency about the skills gained and student proficiency. Participation awards are not enough.
Fatal Flaw #5 - Learning today is detached from reality.
The most concerning problem with learning in general is it's ever-increasing detachment from reality. We’ve lost sight of learning’s true purpose: solving real problems. The “ivory tower problem” highlights this, as scholars and educators develop knowledge in isolation, disconnected from practical challenges. This often leads to outdated curricula, limited real-world exposure, and a skills gap, leaving employers dissatisfied and students struggling to secure jobs. We need to recenter learning around the value it brings to society and the real-world problems that learning a new skill solves.
Our Mission
This is why we decided to start NextWork. We want to re-envision the learning experience, for any topic. Our mission is to create the world's best learning experience for anything. By doing this we hope to meet the ongoing skill demand required to solve our greatest challenges, specifically the development of AI, then unlimited renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, housing, aging population.
Solving these problems without a significant leap in pace of learning will be extremely challenging. Even if we eventually solve these issues with our current skill supply, the time needed would result in the suffering of millions of individuals who would benefit from such problems being solved sooner.
Here's how we're creating the world's best learning experience:
- Deliver a beautiful UX that laser focuses you on learning.
- Perfect getting exactly the right content, at the right moment, for you.
- Build the world's best learning community and support.
- Create stunning and trusted ways to showcase your skills as you learn.
These make up what we call 'the Learning Loop' - a breakdown of how we learn from first principles.

The Path So Far
We're starting with teaching AWS and plan to expand to other topics as we grow. Since we launched NextWork, we've been happy to see how much our vision has resonated with other learners around the world. We have received countless messages of love, including students running events to promote NextWork, and making their own NextWork merch to share with friends.
Today thousands of people actively use NextWork to learn AWS. We are especially excited about this traction given the number of existing cloud and AWS specific learning platforms that already exist. Many of our top students have mentioned that they have come to NextWork directly from one of these existing platforms specifically for the quality NextWork provides in learning experience, community, and content.
"I don't think I'll ever leave NextWork. If I do, it won't be because of me...I love being here because I'm always learning and I have an identity. "
"I'm currently the facilitator of a cohort of an AWS Cloud Engineering program. I saw how valuable your resources are in terms of hands-on learning. I assigned my trainees to complete all projects on NextWork before the cohort ends. "
"NextWork has been essential in bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. A huge thank you to NextWork for providing me with AWS projects that helped me gain invaluable hands-on experience with AWS services. "
To maintain our momentum throughout the next year (weekly changelog) as we grow, we will be expanding our founding team and cap table.
We are looking for people who believe in the mission of building the world's best learning experience in order to solve the world's toughest problems. See you in the future.
Thank you to our investors: John Kells, Vignesh Kumar, Sam Wong, James Palmer, Mason Bleakley, Stephanie Benseman, Mahesh Muralidhar, Alexey Mitko, Tim Doyle.
True global personalised learning is possible and something we can do in our lifetime. There is a future where anyone can learn anything, anywhere, at any point in their life, on any device, in the way that suits them best.
The Two Paths
Why do this at all? There are two clear paths for our future.
One path is to keep up the current rate of global education and learning. On this path the speed of technological development will continue to outstrip our ability to learn and showcase new complex skills. In this future, we risk becoming overwhelmed by the rapid pace of change, leading to a widening skills gap that leaves many behind. Individuals will struggle to keep up with emerging technologies leading to increased job loss, frustration, and fear of supporting themselves and their families. Consequently, organisations will struggle to find the proper talent to create innovative value, stalling important progress. Being able to distinguish between reliable and unreliable information also becomes an increasing challenge for a content saturated population. On this path, our current path, we risk trapping ourselves in a game of catch-up which we'll never win; we risk never being able to keep up with our ever increasing technological progress. Ultimately this path puts us at high risk of being unable to live fulfilling lives and solve the greatest challenges of our future.
The other path is to develop a way for all of humanity to learn and apply new skills at a much faster pace. By solving this sustainably for a rate of technological change that is far beyond what we see today, we have a better chance of solving some of the world's biggest problems, faster. Individuals will have more confidence in their ability to provide for their families, live fulfilling lives, and make large, meaningful contributions to the future of humankind. This path significantly improves individual quality of life, the value of organisations, addresses educational crises in governments, and puts our species on a better track for the future. True transfer of knowledge deserves it's place and recognition as a basic human necessity for the challenges we face ahead.
The 6 Big Problems
There is no shortage of problems to solve in the world. We've narrowed it down to six of humanities biggest challenges:
- Development of AI
- Renewable Unlimited Energy
- Advanced manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Aging Population
- Housing
Solving these problems without a significant leap in pace of learning will be extremely challenging. Even if we eventually solve these issues with our current skill supply, the time needed would result in the suffering of millions of individuals who would benefit from such problems being solved sooner.
We will know that we have achieved NextWork's mission of meeting the skill demand for the world's toughest problems when we start to see these types of results:
Development of AI
- Mean accuracy of 97% for all major models. Currently range is 80 - 83%.
- NextWork Contribution: Equips learners with hands-on training in AI and machine learning.
Renewable Unlimited Energy
- 50% energy consumption comes from renewable sources. Currently this is 13%.
- Renewable energy generation is cheaper and more accessible than non-renewable.
- NextWork Contribution: Provides tailored courses and projects focusing on renewable energy technologies and science that will foster innovation.
Advanced manufacturing
- Cut transportation, electronics, and medical device development cycles time in half.
- Less than 2% of all waste produced by manufacturing goes to landfills. Currently between 70 - 92% of waste goes directly to landfills.
- NextWork Contribution: Trains a skilled workforce in advanced manufacturing methods that prioritize efficiency and sustainability to streamline production timelines and minimize waste.
- 90% of the global population has access to healthcare services. Currently less than 50% of the world's population has access to healthcare.
- Malawi (0.02 doctors per 1k civilians) has the same ratio of doctors to civilians as Italy (8 per 1k)
- NextWork Contribution: Providing global access to education in health tech and medical sciences. This will produce skilled professionals capable of implementing scalable healthcare solutions and bridging the gap in medical access in underserved regions.
Aging Population
- Health span is consistently 95% of lifespan. Currently 76 - 86% of ones life is spent in good health.
- NextWork Contribution: Offers education tracks in biotechnology, gerontology, and preventive healthcare to foster innovations that extend the proportion of life spent in good health. Also providing up-skilling pathways for those aged 50+ to stay relevant and extend meaningful working years.
- Housing construction demands are met with 35M affordable and accessible houses built every year.
- NextWork Contribution: Provides hands-on learning for construction, smart city planning, and advanced building technologies, training individuals to address the housing crisis with scalable, sustainable solutions.
What does the future of learning look like?
Learning anything, from nuclear fusion to tech to healthcare should be possible and enjoyable from anywhere in the world. Imagine a future where new knowledge is delivered to us at exactly the right moment, at exactly the right time. Tailoring lessons to match each student's unique learning pace, style, and skill level helps to ensure students are neither overwhelmed nor under-simulated.
Initially, this experience will be delivered on laptops and screens but overtime we can expect this human-computer-interface to evolve. Immersive environments with the use of VR/AR may be required for complex hands-on learning. Certainly we will require some major hardware updates. As the technology develops, more futuristic cyborg technologies can introduce even faster ways of up-skilling. Designing learning experiences for tools like Neuralink will be an exciting step in NextWork's journey.
Full learner support from a global community of students and experts helps to offer encouragement, collaboration, and feedback. As students progress and want to showcase their skills to the market, having built in trusted methods for showcasing their latest skills is a must.
The entire learning experience, from the accuracy of the content to the feel of the product, is designed to laser-focus attention on learning. By doing this we hope to increase the rate at which the world learns new skills, and as a result help to solve our world's toughest problems.